Sunday, December 28, 2008

Madagaskar: Escape 2 Afrika

Sekuel animated film Madagascar will enliven the film again and greet the penggemarnya through Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa.

This animated film is still funny and incompetent as the previous film that was launched in 2005.

Until this film Madagascar still be trusted by directors Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath. Not only that, the sound like Chris Rock, Ben Stiller, Jada Pinkett Smith and David Schwimmer still remains the figures that they perankan in the year ago.

The story starts from the zoo terdamparnya New york, Alex - The lion (Ben Stiller), Marty - Zebra (Chris Rock), Melman - giraffe (David Schwimmer) and Gloria - Horses Nile (Jada Pinkett Smith). They all strive to return to New york, place of origin where they live.

They were all preparing to try and repair the damaged aircraft to return, but rather they go back to New York, even landing in a vicious Africa. Alex met there with the whole family. But Alex had difficulty in communicating with their families, as many times that he spend dikebun binantang Central Park for this.

In addition to Alex, his friends also like Marty, Melman, Gloria met with the animals that they are similar. From situlah they realize that their animals dikebun Central Park is very different from their brethren who live in the outdoors offshore.

Can they return to New York or those living with their brothers and sisters in Africa? Saksiakan dibioskop pity you. jne

Film Type:
Animation - All Age (general)
Mireille Soria, Mark Swift
Dreamworks Animation
Ben Stiller
Chris Rock
David Schwimmer
Jada Pinkett Smith
Sacha Baron Cohen
Cedric the Entertainer
Eric Darnell
Tom Mcgrath
Ethan Cohen

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